Verbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor.

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Sonu kumar
Author: Sonu kumar

Myself Sonu Kumar and I'm from Bundi. Currently I'm working as a district coordinator kota at BRDS society India. I have always been a devout admirer of nature and I would be happy to share more information about the plant wealth around me through this platform. #AStudentofnature #Teamefloraofrajasthan 🌿🌱🐛🦋🔍 Insta page:

  • Chinese mullein, Coromandel mullein/अडला भूरी/ जंगली तम्हाकू/डुलाइन/गीदड़ तमाकू/ कोखिमा/कुकशिम/कुलाहल/...
  • Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau
  • Naturally grown
  • Annuals or biennials. Stems 50-100 cm, branched apically, sparsely glandular pilose. Petiole of basal and lower stem leaves 3-8 mm; leaf blade pandurate, 5-8 cm; lobes 3-5, terminal lobe ovate, elliptic, or oblong, margin serrate distally, usually double serrate or lobed proximally. Other stem leaves short petiolate or sessile; leaf blade ovate, elliptic, or ovate-triangular. Raceme to 20 cm, simple or branched. Rachises, bracts, pedicels, and calyces glandular pilose. Flowers solitary at each node. Pedicel to 5 mm, elongating to 1 cm in fruit. Calyx 3-4.5 mm; lobes elliptic-oblong. Corolla yellow, ca. 1 cm in diam. Stamens 4, didynamous; filaments woolly; anthers reniform. Capsule ovoid, 6-7 mm longer than persistent calyx, glandular.
    Fl. and fr.: Mar-Aug.
    PC: Sonu Kumar

  • large (1)
    large (1)
  • large (2)
    large (2)
  • IMG20250208205512

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
January 🌼 Flowering
February 🌿 New Leaves Emerge, 🌼 Flowering
March 🌼 Flowering
April 🍎 Fruit Ripening, 🌼 Flowering

Systematic position

SpeciesVerbascum coromandelianum (Vahl) Hub.-Mor.
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