Trianthema portulacastrum L.

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Neetu Kumari
Author: Neetu Kumari

Hi! Neetu this side, I'm a keen observer of the nature around me since my childhood and I always wanted to share the beauty of the mother nature with others too, so, I'm here to share my observations about plants.

  • साटा/Sata (Shekhawati), Horse Purslane,Desert Horse Purslane, Giant Pigweed, Gujarati: Satodo, Hindi: Sabuni, Salsabuni, Svetsabuni, Vishakhapara, Samskrit: Chiratika, Dhanapatra, Dirghapatrika. (Source: Flowers of India)
  • Trianthema monogynum, Trianthema procumbens, Portulaca axilliflora
  • Khetri
  • Naturally grown
  • Native, succulent, annual herb with numerous prostrate branches.
    Root: Tap root, much branched.
    Uses: As a part of fodder for cattles and, shoot and tender leaves cooked and eaten as greens in local cuisine.

    Source: Gurcharan Singh 

  • 1000044961
    Trianthema portulacastrum: Shoot and Habit
    Stem: Aerial, creeping, much branched, often tinged purple, herbaceous, succulent, solid, angular-ribbed, pustular, with fine lines of hairs on younger branches. Leaves: Opposite, with unequal pairs of leaves, branches usually arising from axil of smaller leaf of each pair, petiole almost as long as blade, dilated towards base with wing-like stipules, sheathing nodes, blade suborbicular to obovate, cuneate towards base, apex rounded, truncate or retuse, venation unicostate reticulate.
  • 1000044960
    Trianthema portulacastrum: Inflorescence and Flower
    Inflorescence: Solitary flowers in leaf axil. Flower: Ebracteate, in axile of pouch-like petiole base, bracteolate, bracteoles two, fused with calyx, sessile, complete, actinomorphic, bisexual, perigynous, pentamerous. Calyx: 5, United below, 5-lobed, valvate, lobes green outside, pinkish within, some what hood-like, with horn-like projections on back of each lobe below tip. Corolla: Absent. Androecium: 5-20, inserted on hypanthium in two or more whorls, free, filaments slender, anthers bithecous, dorsifixed. Gynoecium: Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary, half-inferior, bilocular, placentation axile, ovules many style simple, stigmas 2. Fruits: Capsule, closely invested by petiolar sheath and calyx tube, reddish brown to black in color, seeds 5-10.

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
August 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering
September 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering, Flowering
October 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering
November 🍎 Fruit Ripening, 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering

Systematic position

SpeciesTrianthema portulacastrum L.
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