Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Sonu kumar
Author: Sonu kumar

Myself Sonu Kumar and I'm from Bundi. Currently I'm working as a district coordinator kota at BRDS society India. I have always been a devout admirer of nature and I would be happy to share more information about the plant wealth around me through this platform. #AStudentofnature #Teamefloraofrajasthan 🌿🌱🐛🦋🔍 Insta page:

  • Kangaroo Grass,गुंदेल
  • Andropogon quadrivalvis L.
  • Kota
  • Naturally grown
  • Kangaroo Grass is a tall, erect, geniculately branched, clustered perennial grass that is very variable in appearance and size, ranging from 0.3-1.5 m in height. Plants from higher altitudes tend to be shorter and dark purple, whereas, at lower altitudes, plants are often lighter coloured and flushed only with purple. The basal parts of the cluster are usually compressed. The wedged-shaped, often pendant clusters of spikelets are surrounded by leaf-like spathes or bracts that are brown or reddish brown and are often flushed with mauve, purple or red. The spikelets are also awned, that is, have long stiff bristle-like projections.
    Fl. & Fr.: September – November.
    Palatability: Palatable
    PC: Sonu Kumar
    Source: efoi, Foi, ibp, iNat, for-III

  • IMG20241127100944
    Dry Inflorescence

Plant Phenological Events

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SpeciesThemeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze
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