Solanum incanum L.

IUCN Status

Least Concern : Least Concern
Sonu kumar
Author: Sonu kumar

Myself Sonu Kumar and I'm from Bundi. Currently I'm working as a district coordinator kota at BRDS society India. I have always been a devout admirer of nature and I would be happy to share more information about the plant wealth around me through this platform. #AStudentofnature #Teamefloraofrajasthan 🌿🌱🐛🦋🔍 Insta page:

  • Wild brinjal/Bitter Brinjal/धोली रींगिनी/ वलुतीन/वराहाती/बरहट्टी/बड़ी वृहती/सफ़ेद वृहटी/...
  • Solanum sanctum L.
  • RVTR Bundi
  • Naturally grown
  • Armed erect shruh, up to 1 m tall, branches stellate-pubescent, prickles stout, very sharp, recurved, yellow, shining above, usually tornentose at the broad buse. Leaves simple, ovate-elliptic, ovate-oblong, angulate, apically cuncate, hasally obliquely truncate, margin wavy or shallowly lobed, prickly along the nerves, stellate hairy with velvety above, woolly beneath, petiolate, prickly. Flowers asillary. in racmes peduncle extra axillary, paired, one bearing several male flows i in racemes, other hearing solitary, bisexual flower; calys cup-shaped, stellate hairy, teeth triangular, acute, corolla blue, stellate hairy outsid, lobes ovate, acute, stellate hairy on both sides; stamens 5. anthers narrowly oblong, porous dehiscent, filaments very short, glabrous ovary globose, hairy at the apex, style hairy below, Berry oblong, ovoid or subglobose, glabrous, yellow when ripe, seeds pale yellow, minutely pitted.

    Occasional in outskirts of forests and foot hills.
    Fl. & Fr.: Dec.-march

    PC: Sonu Kumar
    Editing: Team eFlora of rajasthan
    Source: Foi, efoi, powo, wfo, ibp, iNat.
    Date: Jan2K25
    Loc.: Bundi

  • Photo_1737291036056
  • Photo_1737291036962

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
January 🍂 Leaf Fall, 🍎 Fruit Ripening, 🍏 Unripe Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering
February 🍒 Fruiting

Systematic position

SpeciesSolanum incanum L.
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