Senna occidentalis (L.) Link

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Neetu Kumari
Author: Neetu Kumari

Hi! Neetu this side, I'm a keen observer of the nature around me since my childhood and I always wanted to share the beauty of the mother nature with others too, so, I'm here to share my observations about plants.

  • Dhadial, Coffee Senna, Kasamarda(कासमर्द)
  • Cassia occidentalis L.
  • Khetri
  • Naturally grown
  • Wild undershrub.
    Native from Maxico to Tropical America but now naturalized in here.
    It is an Ayurvedic plant which is used in several traditional medicines to cure various diseases. It possess antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancerous, antimutagenic and hepatoprotective activity.
    Seeds can be roasted and and brew into a coffee like drink that's why it has common name as " Coffee Senna ".

    Cassia occidentalis L.: a review on its ethnobotany, phytochemical and pharmacological profile
    J P Yadav et al. Fitoterapia. 2010 Jun.
    Flora of Botswana, Flowers of India, Gurcharan Singh.

  • 1000045930
    Senna occidentalis: Habit, Inflorescence and Fruits
    It is an annual undershrub or herb usually woody at base. Inflorescence: Axillary corymbose raceme. Flower: Bracteate (bractcaducous), pedicellate, complete, zygomorphic, bisexual, perigynous, pentamerous, cyclic. Calyx: 5, polysepalous, odd sepal anterior, imbricate, green, inferior. Corolla: 5, polypetalous, ascending imbricate (posterior petal innermost) aestivation, yellow, inferior. Androecium: 6-7 fertile stamens, unequal length, anthers bithecous, basifixed. Gynoecium: Monocarpellary superior ovary, stalked, curved, unilocular, ovules many, placentation marginal, style short, stigma simple. Fruit: Legume; seed with (dull brown in color) hard seed-coat; cotyledon 2, large. It is a host plant of "Mottled Emigrant" butterfly. (You can spot the butterfly in the above image.)
  • 1000045932
    Senna occidentalis: Leaves
    Leaves: Alternate, pari-pinnate compound,4 to 6 pairs of ovate-elliptic pointed leaflets, leaf base pulvinate, gland present at the base of petiole, stipulate, unicostate reticulate. (Tiny white structures present on leaflets are eggs of Mottled Emigrant butterfly.) Source: Sonu Kumar

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
August 🌼 Flowering
October 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering

Systematic position

SpeciesSenna occidentalis (L.) Link
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