Portulaca quadrifida L.

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Neetu Kumari
Author: Neetu Kumari

Hi! Neetu this side, I'm a keen observer of the nature around me since my childhood and I always wanted to share the beauty of the mother nature with others too, so, I'm here to share my observations about plants.

  • लूहर्का(Loohrka) in Shekhawati, Chicken Weed, Wild Purslane
  • Meridians elliptical Poir., Meridiana quadrifida (L.) Poir., Portulaca anceps A. Rich., Portulaca chariensis Chev.
  • Khetri
  • Naturally grown
  • It is a Native, annual, succulent and mat-forming herb. It's grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biomes.
    Stem-articulated, prostrate, rooting at nodes; leaf axile patent pilose.
    Leaves-opposite, petiole absent; leaf blade,flat, ovate, obovate, or ovate-elliptic, slightly narrowed towards base, apex obtuse or acute.
    Flowers solitary, surrounded by involucre of 4 or 5 bracts, white pilose, sepals obovate -oblong, 2.5-3 mm membranous, veined. Petals 4, yellow, oblong or broadly elliptic, 3-6 mm, connate at base, apex mucronate. Stamens 8-10.
    These plants are used for medicinal purpose.
    Leaves and tender shoot are cooked and eaten; had been one of the life saving foods for Rajasthani people in the period of "The Great Indian Famine 1899" aka "Chhappaniya ka Kal(छप्पनिया का काळ)" in Rajasthan.

    Sources:POWO, Flowers of India.

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
September 🌹 Bud Stage, 🌼 Flowering
October 🌼 Flowering

Systematic position

SpeciesPortulaca quadrifida L.
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