Launaea procumbens February 15, 2025November 16, 2024 by Neetu Kumari IUCN Status : Not Applicable Author: Neetu Kumari Hi! Neetu this side, I'm a keen observer of the nature around me since my childhood and I always wanted to share the beauty of the mother nature with others too, so, I'm here to share my observations about plants. Common Name: Jangi gobi, Creeping Launaea, जंगल गोबी Reported From: Jhunjunu, Rajasthan Image Upload(1): Title: 1731494186049842-2-minImage Upload(2): Title: 1731494194146605-1-min Plant Phenological Events Month Phenological Events February 🌼 Flowering Systematic position DivisionAngiosperm ClassDicotyledons Sub-ClassGamopetalae SeriesInferae OrdASTERALES FamilyASTERACEAE SpeciesLaunaea procumbens Do Agree with this information?You must be logged in to agree. Log in.Authors Who Agreed with this information: Neetu Kumari Published by: Neetu Kumari Observations: 18 Total identification: 5