Justicia adhatoda L.

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable
Neetu Kumari
Author: Neetu Kumari

Hi! Neetu this side, I'm a keen observer of the nature around me since my childhood and I always wanted to share the beauty of the mother nature with others too, so, I'm here to share my observations about plants.

  • Alduso, Aldusa, Bansa, Vasa, Vasaka, Arus, Arusa, Malabar Nut,
  • Adhatoda vasica Nees, Adhatoda adhatoda (L.) Huth, Adeloda serrata Raf.
  • Khetri
  • Naturally grown
  • It is a wild, native shrub.

    It is used for curing respiratory system related problems in folkmedicine since ages and it is mentioned in Ayurvedic scriptures for treating cough, asthma and colds.

    Sources: POWO, Flowers of India, Gurcharan Singh.

  • 1000049025
    Justicia adhatoda: Habit
    Habit: shrub
  • 1000049028
    Justicia adhatoda: Leaves
    Leaves: Opposite and decussate, simple, ovate, entire margin, reticulate venation.
  • 1000049027
    Justicia adhatoda: Inflorescence and Flowers (White)
    Inflorescence: Terminal spike. Flower: Bracteate, bracteolate, sessile, complete, zygomorphic,, bisexual, hypogynous, pentamerous, cyclic. Calyx: 5, gamosepalous (slightly connate at base), imbricate, green, persistent, inferior. Corolla: 5, gamopetalous, bilabiate, 2/3, white, inferior. Androecium: 2, laterally placed, anthers bithecous, basifixed. Gynoecium: Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, placentation axile, ovary seated on a nectary, style simple, curved, stigma bilobed. Fruit: Capsule, seeds seated on Jaculators; characteristics feature of Acanthaceae family.

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
January πŸ’ Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering
February πŸ’ Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering
September 🌿 New Leaves Emerge

Systematic position

SpeciesJusticia adhatoda L.
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