Gloriosa superba L.

🔎 Identify by Sonu kumar

IUCN Status

Least Concern : Least Concern
Ravi Kant Saini
Author: Ravi Kant Saini

Hi, This is Ravi Kant Saini a passionate Botanist and a Researcher scholar from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. I used to actively explores the rich flora of Rajasthan, contributing to research and knowledge in the field. #Pseudo_taxonomist #PlantsofRajasthan #TeameFloraofRajasthan #RajasthanFlora 🌾 🍂 🌿 🪹 🪴 🍃 🪺

  • Flame lily, Tiger claw,बचनाग bachnag, kadyanag, करी हरी kari hari, languli, उलट चन्दल ulatchandal,
  • Gloriosa angulata, Gloriosa cirrhifolia, Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa lutea
  • Ranthambore National Park, Sawai-madhopur
  • Naturally grown
  • A perennial herb, having tuberous root, branched tuberous, leaf apex modified as tendrils. 1-2 meter tall, flowering in the month of Aug - Sept (After monsoon in Rajasthan).

  • Gloriosa superba - Habit
    Gloriosa superba - Habit
    Gloriosa superba L. is a perennial climber and is used as an ayurvedic medicinal herb to cure diseases in various parts of Africa and Southeast Asia.

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
No events found.

No records found in the classification table for the category: colchicaceae.

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