Barleria prionitis

IUCN Status

Not Applicable : Not Applicable

Common Name: Porcupine Flower, वज्रदंती


Description: Porcupine flower is an erect, prickly shrub, usually single-stemmed, growing to about 1.5 m tall. Spines are about 1.2 cm long. Leaves are up to 5-9 x 2.5-4 cm, elliptic, pointed, with a fine point, base wedge-shaped, sparsely puberulus, fringed with hairs on the margins, gland dotted beneath, leaf-stalk up to 2 cm. Orange-yellow flowers are borne in cymes in leaf-axils; bracts 2, 1.5 cm, oblong with a fine point at the tip. Outer sepals are 1.3 x 0.4 cm, inner 1.1 x 0.2 cm, fine-tipped, hairy. Flower tube is 2.5 cm, petals 2 cm obovate, filaments 1.3 cm, staminodes 2, remaining at the base of the flower tube. Ovary is 2.5 mm, style 2.5 cm. Porcupine flower is found in Tropical Africa and Asia.

Ravi Kant Saini
Author: Ravi Kant Saini

Hi, This is Ravi Kant Saini a passionate Botanist and a Researcher scholar from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. I used to actively explores the rich flora of Rajasthan, contributing to research and knowledge in the field. #Pseudo_taxonomist #PlantsofRajasthan #TeameFloraofRajasthan #RajasthanFlora 🌾 🍂 🌿 🪹 🪴 🍃 🪺

Plant Phenological Events

Month Phenological Events
November 🍒 Fruiting, 🌼 Flowering

Systematic position

SpeciesBarleria prionitis
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